Planta Med 1980; 39(5): 38-50
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1074901
Research Articles

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Pharmakologische Untersuchungen von Kamillen-Inhaltsstoffen

V. Untersuchungen über die spasmolytische Wirkung von Kamillen-Inhaltsstoffen und von KAMILLOSAN® am isolierten Meerschweinchen-IleumPharmacological Investigations with Compounds of ChamomileV. Investigations on the Spasmolytic Effect of Compounds of Chamomile and Kamillosan® on the Isolated Guinea Pig lleumU. Achterrath-Tuckermann, R. Kunde, E. Flaskamp, O. Isaac, K. Thiemer
  • Aus der Pharma-Forschung und der Anwendungstechnik Naturstoffe, Chemiewerk Homburg, Zweigniederlassung der Degussa AG, Frankfurt/Main, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
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29. April 2008 (online)


effects. Apigenin having a titre of 3.29 × papaverine was significantly more potent than papaverine; whereas luteolin, patuletin and quercetin with titres of 0.44, 0.68 and 0.72, respectively, were less active than papaverine.

The efficacies of the less active flavone aglycones corresponded more or less to those of the apigenin monoglycosides; while the flavone diglycosides are less active by about one more decimal exponent.

When compared with the flavone aglycones and monoglycosides, the spasmolytic effect of the coumarins occurmg in chamomile, i.e. umbelliferone and herniarine, was' small.

With regard to the total solid substance content, the total extract of chamomile, KAMILLOSAN®, has a good spasmolytic activity. Studies of chamomile show that the lipophilic as well as the hydrophilic groups take part in its therapeutic importance. For the standardization of spasmolytic activity of chamomile preparations both of these groups must be reconsidered.