Skull Base 1996; 6(1): 1-8
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1058907
Original Articles

© Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 381 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016

Olfactory Neuroblastoma and Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Anterior Skull Base: Treatment Results at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

John R. Austin, Hazel Cebrun, Mathew M. Kershisnik, Adel K. El-Naggar, Adam S. Garden, Franco DeMonte, Lawrence E. Ginsberg, Scott M. Lippman, Helmuth Goepfert
Weitere Informationen


03. März 2008 (online)


Updated information on the pathologic characterization and treatment of olfactory neurobiastoma (ON) and neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) diseases is presented. A series of patients with ON or NEC was evaluated and retrospectively staged using the UCLA system. The parameters evaluated were symptoms, age, sex, risk factor assessment, stage of disease, treatment, and clinical outcome. The median follow-up was 3 years (range, 18 months to 23 years). The predominant therapy (63%) for ON was combined surgery and radiotherapy. Surgery alone or in combination with ancillary treatment was used in 58% of patients with NEC. For the most receat years of the study, patients with NEC have been treated successfully with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Seventy percent of the patients with ON and 75% of the patients with NEC were clinically free of disease during the defined follow-up period. Surgical therapy consisting of a craniofacial resection combined with postoperative radiotherapy has resulted in good local and long-term control of ON. Our experience indicates that combined chemoradiation is an appropriate therapeutic approach for NEC.