Homœopathic Links 2008; 21(3): 128-134
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1038802

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A New Treatment Paradigm

Jon Gamble
Weitere Informationen


26. August 2008 (online)


In the treatment of some diseases, the usual totality of symptom approach commonly used by homeopaths fails to give consistent results. These cases often need a prescription based on causation, which can lead to a more appropriate remedy than totality prescription. IBS is one such disease. The most common cause of IBS is discussed here.

1 Compare the Manning criteria: irritable bowel syndrome if ≥ 3 are present:

  • Abdominal pain

  • Relief of pain on defecation

  • Increased stool frequency with pain

  • Looser stools with pain

  • Mucus in stools

  • Feeling of incomplete evacuation.

2 Jacques Duff, Behavioural Neurotherapy Clinic, Melbourne: www.ibs-irritable-bowel-syndrome.com.au.

3 There is now an instant finger-prick test manufactured by Biotech: www.anibiotech.fi.

4 American Journal of Gastroenterology 2003; 98: 1970 – 75.

5 Reported in Medical Observer, 11.10.02.

6 Reported in Medical Observer, 11.10.02.

7 ARL Pathology, Melbourne, Australia, www.arlaus.com.au.

8 ARL Pathology, Melbourne (above) and Histopath Specialist Pathologists in Sydney use a special fixative to preserve parasites at viable room temperature: histopath@tpg.com.au.

9 The homeopathic medicines for intestinal parasitosis have been described in Gamble, J, Mastering Homeopathy 2: The Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Karuna Publishing, Wollongong, Australia, 2006.

10 The imbalance of gut flora allowing proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

11 An increase in the permeability of the intestinal mucosa to luminal macromolecules, antigens and toxins.

12 See Campbell-McBride, N, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Medinform Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2004.

13 Paterson, J, The Bowel Nosodes, B Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1988, reprinted from the British Homeopathic Journal, Vol XL, No 3, July 1950.

14 Professor Terry Bolin, president of The Gut Foundation, Sydney, www.gut.nsw.edu.au – see above.

15 Professor Tom Borody, Sydney, reported in Medical Observer, 11.10.02 – see above.

16 Humans can contract trichiniasis from eating under-cooked meat. It causes diarrhoea and abdominal pain, nausea, periorbital oedema, myalgia, fever, headache. In rare cases, there are neurological and pulmonary complications. This nosode is available from selected homeopathic pharmacies. At the time of writing it is not available in Australia.

17 Bentley, G, Appearance and Circumstance: Miasms, Facial Features and Homeopathy, Pennon Publishing, Melbourne, 2003.

18 See, for example, The Substance of Homeopathy, 4th ed, Homeopathic Medical Publishers, Mumbai, 1999.

19 See the Center for Disease Control factsheets and guidelines: www.cdc.gov/ncdod/dpd/parasitesamebiasis/fctsht.

20 Ibid.

21 See for example, Campbell-McBride, N, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Medinform Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2004.

BA ND Adv Dip Hom Jon Gamble

122 Church Street

Wollongong, NSW, 2500


eMail: karuna@bigpond.net.au

URL: http://www.homeopathyworks.com.au