Planta Med 2007; 73(12): 1235-1240
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-990216
Original Paper
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Reverse Pharmacognosy: Identifying Biological Properties for Plants by Means of their Molecule Constituents: Application to Meranzin

Quoc-Tuan Do1 , Cécile Lamy2 , Isabelle Renimel2 , Nancy Sauvan2 , Patrice André2 , Franck Himbert1 , Luc Morin-Allory3 , Philippe Bernard1
  • 1GREENPHARMA S. A., Orléans, France
  • 2GIE LVMH RECHERCHE, 45804 Saint Jean de Braye cedex, France
  • 3Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique, Orléans, France
Further Information

Publication History

Received: June 22, 2007 Revised: July 16, 2007

Accepted: July 19, 2007

Publication Date:
13 September 2007 (online)


Reverse pharmacognosy aims at finding biological targets for natural compounds by virtual or real screening and identifying natural resources that contain the active molecules. We report herein a study focused on the identification of biological properties of meranzin, a major component isolated from Limnocitrus littoralis (Miq.) Swingle. Selnergy™, an in silico biological profiling software, was used to identify putative binding targets of meranzin. Among the 400 screened proteins, 3 targets were selected: COX1, COX2 and PPARγ. Binding tests were realised for these 3 protein candidates, as well as two negative controls. The predictions made by Selnergy were consistent with the experimental results, meaning that these 3 targets can be modulated by an extract containing this compound in a suitable concentration. These results demonstrate that reverse pharmacognosy and its inverse docking component is a powerful tool to identify biological properties for natural molecules and hence for plants containing these compounds.


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Dr Philippe Bernard


3 allée du Titane

45100 Orléans


Phone: +33-2-3825-9980

Fax: +33-2-3825-9965
