Synlett 2007(12): 1948-1950  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-984496
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Straightforward Synthesis of Strained α,β-Epoxysulfones via Epoxidation of Vinylsulfones Using N-Methylmorpholine N-Oxide as Epoxidizing Reagent

Rocío Rincón, Ana Aljarilla, María Criado, Joaquín Plumet*
Departamento de Química Orgánica I, Facultad de Química, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain
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Received 19 April 2007
25. Juni 2007 (online)


An efficient, stereoselective route to the α,β-epoxy­sulfones using N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMO) as epoxidizing reagent is described.

    References and Notes

  • 1a Review: Arjona O. Plumet J. Curr. Org. Chem.  2002,  6:  571 
  • For other comprehensive reviews on the synthetic applications of oxa- and azanorbornene derivatives, see:
  • 1b Vogel P. Cossy J. Plumet J. Arjona O. Tetrahedron  1999,  55:  13521 
  • 1c Vogel P. Curr. Org. Chem.  2000,  65:  455 
  • 1d Arjona O. Csáky AG. Plumet J. Eur. J. Org. Chem.  2002,  611 
  • 1e Medel R. Plumet J. In Targets in Heterocyclic Systems   Vol. 8:  Attanasi OA. Spinelli D. Società Chimica Italiana: 2004.  p.162-186  
  • 1f Ishikura M. Katagiri N. Recent Res. Dev. Org. Chem.  2004,  8:  197 
  • 1g Robina I. Vogel P. Synthesis  2005,  675 
  • 1h Vogel P. In The Organic Chemistry of Sugars   Levy DE. Fugedi P. Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press; Boca Ratón: 2006.  Chap. 13. p.629-725  
  • 2 Arjona O. de Dios A. de la Pradilla RF. Plumet J. Viso A. J. Org. Chem.  1994,  59:  3906 
  • 3 Arjona O. León ML. Plumet J. Org. Lett.  2000,  2:  3683 
  • 4a Arjona O. Borrallo C. Iradier F. Medel R. Tetrahedron Lett.  1998,  39:  1977 
  • 4b Arjona O. Iradier F. Medel R. Plumet J. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry  1999,  10:  3431 
  • 4c Arjona O. Lorenzo G. Medel R. Plumet J. Tetrahedron Lett.  2001,  42:  7041 
  • 5 Arjona O. Iradier F. Plumet J. Martínez-Alcázar MP. Hernández-Cano F. Fonseca I. Tetrahedron Lett.  1998,  39:  8335 
  • 6 Arjona O. Menchaca R. Plumet J. J. Org. Chem.  2001,  66:  2400 
  • 7 Leung-Toung R. Liu Y. Muchowski JM. Wu YL. J. Org. Chem.  1998,  63:  3235 
  • 8a Simpkins NL. In Sulfones in Organic Synthesis, Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series   Pergamon Press; Oxford: 1993. 
  • For some more recent references, see:
  • 8b Diez D. Beneitez MT. Marcos IS. Garrido NM. Basabe P. Sanz F. Broughton HB. Urones JG. Org. Lett.  2003,  5:  4361 
  • 8c Diez D. Beneitez MT. Gil MJ. Moro RF. Marcos IS. Garrido NM. Basabe P. Urones JG. Synthesis  2005,  565 
  • For some synthetically useful transformations of this kind of compound, see:
  • 9a Arjona O. Menchaca R. Plumet J. Tetrahedron  2000,  56:  3901 
  • 9b Hodgson DM. Maxwell CR. Wisedate R. Matthews IR. Carpenter KJ. Dickenson AH. Wonnacott S. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1  2001,  3150 
  • 10a Simpkins NL. In Sulfones in Organic Synthesis, Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series   Pergamon Press; Oxford: 1993.  p.55-58  
  • 10b interestingly, epoxidation of sulfone 14 with MCPBA (CH2Cl2, 20 °C, 4 h) provides the exo-epoxide 15 without the formation of Baeyer-Villiger oxidation product (Scheme 3). See: Prakash Rao HS. Murali R. Taticchi A. Scheeren HW. Eur. J. Org. Chem.  2001,  2869 
  • 11 The exo selectivity in the nucleophilic additions and cycloadditions of the bicyclo[2.2.1]heptene double bond is a characteristic behavior of these compounds. For a comprehensive discussion, see: Huisgen R. Pure Appl. Chem.  1981,  53:  171 ; see in particular p. 181 and following
  • 12 Four isolated cases regarding the epoxidation reaction of α,β-unsaturated esters 16 with an amine oxide (NMO) to give endo-epoxides 17 (Scheme 4) have been previously described. See: Andres CJ. Spetseris N. Norton JR. Meyers AJ. Tetrahedron Lett.  1995,  36:  1613 
  • Compounds 4 and 5 were synthesized by cycloaddition reaction of p-toluenesulfonylacetylene with furan and N-Boc pyrrole, respectively:
  • 13a Compound 4: Arjona O. Iradier F. Medel R. Plumet J. Heterocycles  1999,  50:  653 
  • 13b Compound 5: Altenbach HJ. Blech B. Marco JA. Vogel E. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl.  1982,  21:  778 
  • 13c See also: Chen Z. Trudell ML. Tetrahedron Lett.  1994,  35:  9649 
  • 13d

    In the same fashion, cycloaddition of cyclopentadiene and p-toluenesulfonylacetylene gave 6 in 99% isolated yield. Compound 7 (30% isolated yield) was prepared by trapping of isobenzofuran 22 [generated by reaction of 3,6-di(2′-pyridyl)-5-tetrazine(19) with 1,4-dihydro-1,4-endoxynaphthalene (20)] with p-toluene-sulfonylacetylene (Scheme [5] ). Analogous generation and trapping of N-Boc isoindole 23 gave compound 8 (62%). To the best of over knowledge these are the first cases concerning the application of the ‘tetrazine method’ to the synthesis of bicyclic α,β-unsaturated sulfones. Full details of the procedure will be reported in due course or upon request.

  • 13e For the generation of isobenzofuran, see: Warrener RN. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1971,  93:  2346 
  • 13f For the generation of N-Boc isoindole, see: Priestly GM. Warrener RN. Tetrahedron Lett.  1972,  4295 

Typical Experimental Procedure: To a solution of compounds 4-8 (0.43 mmol) in anhyd CH2Cl2 (6 mL), NMO (0.86 mmol) was added in one portion under argon at 0 °C. The mixture was allowed to react at r.t. during 24 h. After this time the solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residual material was purified by column chromatography (hexane-EtOAc, 4:1).