Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2007; 67 - P_03
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-983499

Regulation of VEGF, HIF-2α, and TIMP-1 in human breast cancer cells by angiotensin II and its receptor antagonist candesartan

D Herr 1, M Rodewald 1, G Hack 1, R Konrad 1, R Kreienberg 1, C Wulff 1
  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ulm University Medical Center, Ulm

1. Background:

The present study examined the effect of angiotensin II on the regulation of different angiogenesis associated genes in human breast cancer cells and attempted to determine whether administration of At1R blocker candesartan could suppress the angiotensin II dependent gene regulation.

2. Methods:

Angiotensin II dependent expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1), and hypoxia inducible transcription factor 2α (HIF-2α) as well as administration of angiotensin II and At1R blocker candesartan was analyzed in MDA-MB 468 human breast cancer cells using immunofluorescence and TaqMan-Real-Time PCR analysis.

3. Results:

VEGF, TIMP-1, HIF-2α and the At1R were expressed in MDA-MB 468 human breast cancer cells. Angiotensin II significantly increased gene expression of VEGF, TIMP-1, and HIF-2α in these cells. This effect was completely inhibited by candesartan.

4. Conclusion:

It is hypothesized that angiotensin II is involved in regulation of tumor angiogenesis in breast cancer by regulation of angiogenesis associated genes via At1R.

These findings are the first evidence for targeting tumor angiogenesis by inhibition of At1R in human breast cancer cells and may lead to new therapeutical anticancer strategies proposing administration of candesartan.

Keywords: breast cancer cell, angiogenesis, angiotensin II, inhibition, candesartan