Planta Med 1983; 48(7): 178-180
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969917
Research Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart

Constituents of the Essential Oil of Artemisia coerulescens

T. Sacco1 , C. Frattini2 , C. Bicchi2
  • 1Cattedra di Botanica farmaceutica, Facoltà di Farmacia, Torino, Italy
  • 2Laboratorio NMR e Spettroscopie applicate alla Tossicologia, Facoltà di Farmacia, Torino, Italy
Further Information

Publication History



Publication Date:
26 March 2007 (online)


By combination of liquid-solid chromatography, capillary GLC and mass spectrometry, the essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of Artemisia coerulescens L., growing in Tuscany (Poggio di Monselvoli, Siena), was analysed, α-Thujone, β-thujone and camphor accounted for about 69% of the oil which contained more than a hundred compounds, most of which were present only in traces; 36 components were identified.