Endoscopy 1988; 20: 193-202
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1018175
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Papillary Stenosis

M. Guelrud
  • Jefe del Serficio de Gastroenterologíia, Hospital General del Oeste, Policliníica Metropolitana, Urb. Caurimare, Caracas, Venezuela
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17. März 2008 (online)


The present state of papillary stenosis is reviewed. ERCP manometry has become the most important means of evaluating sphincter of Oddi dynamics. Pressure measurements in the sphincter segment appear useful to differentiate patients with sphincter of Oddi dysfunction from patients with an organic stenosis. The author's experience with sphincter of Oddi manometry, with endoscopic sphincterotomy and hydrostatic balloon dilation of the sphincter of Oddi, and the results of an international inquiry, are presented.