Synlett 2006(18): 2977-2980  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-948200
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

The Synthesis of a Combretastatin A-4 Based Library and Discovery of New Cooperative ortho-Effects in Wittig Reactions Leading to (Z)-Stilbenes

David C. Harrowven*a, Ian L. Guya, Melanie Howellb, Graham Packhamb
a School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Fax: +44(23)80596805; e-Mail:;
b Cancer Research UK Clinical Centre, University of Southampton School of Medicine, Southampton, SO16 6YD, UK
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Received 10 February 2006
04. August 2006 (online)


A synthesis of combretastatin A-4 and a small library of analogues led to the discovery of some new cooperative ortho-­effects allowing (Z)-stilbenes to be prepared in high yield and dia­stereomeric ratio.

    References and Notes

  • 1 Combretastatin A-4 was isolated from the bark of the African bush willow, Combretum caffrum. See: Pettit GR. Singh SB. Boyd MR. Hamel E. Pettit RK. Schmidt JM. Hogan F. J. Med. Chem.  1995,  38:  1666 
  • For previous syntheses of combretastatin A-4, see:
  • 3a Fürstner A. Nikolakis K. Liebigs Ann.  1996,  2107 
  • 3b Orsini F. Pelizzoni F. Bellini B. Miglierini G. Carbohydr. Res.  1997,  301:  95 
  • 3c Bedford SB. Quaterman CP. Rathbone DL. Slack JA. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.  1996,  6:  157 
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  • 3e Gaukroger K. Hadfield JA. Hepworth LA. Lawrence NJ. McGown AJ. J. Org. Chem.  2001,  66:  8135 
  • 4a Dunne EC. Coyne J. Crowley PB. Gilheany DG. Tetrahedron Lett.  2002,  43:  2449 
  • See also:
  • 4b Hwang J.-J. Lin R.-L. Shieh R.-L. Jwo J.-J. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.  1999,  142:  125 
  • 4c Harrowven DC. Guy IL. Nanson L. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2006,  45:  2242 
  • 5 Sinhababu AK. Borchardt RT. J. Org. Chem.  1983,  48:  2356 
  • 6 Markovich KM. Tantishaiyakul V. Hamada A. Miller DD. Romstedt KJ. Shams G. Shin Y. Fraundorfer PF. Doyle K. Feller DR. J. Med. Chem.  1992,  35:  466 
  • 7 Speicher A. Schoeneborn R. Phytochemistry  1997,  45:  1613 
  • It has been shown that o-methoxybenzylidenetriphenyl-phosphoranes generally enhance E-selectivity in reactions with benzaldehyde derivatives. See:
  • 8a McEwen WE. Cooney JV. J. Org. Chem.  1983,  48:  983 
  • Conversely, o-methoxybenzaldehydes generally promote formation of (Z)-stilbenes. See:
  • 8b Yamataka H. Nagareda K. Ando K. Hanafusa T. J. Org. Chem.  1992,  52:  2865 
  • 8c Cushman M. Nagarathnam D. Gopal D. Chakraborti AK. Lin CM. Hamel E. J. Med. Chem.  1991,  34:  2579 
  • 9 Bhalla KN. Oncogene  2003,  22:  9075 


Supplementary information providing characterization data for each of the (Z)-stilbenes reported herein, together with details of their preparation and the method of purification employed, is available from the author.


All spectral and physical data were in close agreement with literature values, [1] [3] except for the mp, (lit. [1] 116 °C). Following recrystallization of our synthetic sample from either EtOAc or EtOAc-hexane, it gave mp 83-84 °C (recorded in duplicate on two separate apparatuses).