Synlett 2006(3): 0379-0382  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-926229
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

A One-Pot Method for the Synthesis of Naphthyridines via Modified Friedländer Reaction

Pavel Zhichkin*, Catherine M. Cillo Beer, W. Martin Rennells, David J. Fairfax
Albany Molecular Research Inc., 21 Corporate Circle, PO Box 15098, Albany, NY 12212-5098, USA
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Received 12 October 2005
06. Februar 2006 (online)


A one-pot method for the preparation of 1,8-naphthyridine derivatives is reported. The method involves the dimetalation of an appropriate N-2-pyridylpivalamide or tert-butylcarbamate ­followed by reaction with a β-dimethylamino or β-alkoxyacrolein derivative. This method is also applicable to 1,6-naphthyridines.

    References and Notes

  • 1 Litvinov VP. Russ. Chem. Rev.  2004,  73:  637 
  • 2 Lowe PA. In Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry   Vol. 2:  Pergamon Press; New York: 1984.  p.581 
  • 3For example, preparation of 2-methyl-1,8-naphthyridine from 2-amino-6-methylpyridine via EMME synthesis required five steps and afforded only 22% overall yield, see:
  • 3 Brown EV. J. Org. Chem.  1965,  30:  1607 
  • 4a Paudler WW. Kress TJ. J. Org. Chem.  1966,  31:  3055 
  • 4b Paudler WW. Kress TJ. J. Org. Chem.  1967,  32:  832 
  • 4c Vu C. Walker D. Wells J. Fox S. J. Heterocycl. Chem.  2002,  39:  829 
  • 5a Hawes EM. Wibberly DG. J. Chem. Soc. C  1966,  315 
  • 5b Hawes EM. Gorecki DKJ. J. Heterocycl. Chem.  1972,  9:  703 
  • 5c Hawes EM. Gorecki DKJ. Johnson DD. J. Med. Chem.  1973,  16:  849 
  • 5d Hawes EM. Gorecki DKJ. J. Heterocycl. Chem.  1974,  11:  151 
  • For more recent applications of the Friedländer methodology to the synthesis of naphthyridines see:
  • 6a Estel L. Linard F. Marsais F. Godard A. Queguiner G. J. Heterocycl. Chem.  1989,  26:  105 
  • 6b Hsiao Y. Rivera NR. Yasuda N. Hughes D. Reider PJ. Org. Lett.  2001,  3:  1101 
  • 6c Dormer PG. Eng KK. Farr RN. Humphrey GR. McWilliams JC. Reider PJ. Sager JW. Volante RP. J. Org. Chem.  2003,  68:  467 
  • Yields are generally below 60%, for example see:
  • 7a Turner JA. J. Org. Chem.  1983,  48:  3401 
  • 7b Tamura Y. Masanobu F. Ling-Ching C. Inoue M. Kita Y. J. Org. Chem.  1981,  46:  3564 
  • 7c Eldrup AB. Christensen C. Haaima G. Nielsen PE. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2002,  124:  3254 
  • 7d Takayama K. Iwata M. Hisamichi H. Okamoto Y. Aoki M. Niva A. Chem. Pharm. Bull.  2002,  50:  1050 
  • 7e The only paper reporting higher yields is: Turner JA. J. Org. Chem.  1990,  55:  4744 
  • 8a Hamada Y. Takeuchi I. Hirota M. Chem. Pharm. Bull.  1971,  19:  1751 
  • 8b Hamada Y. Takeuchi I. Chem. Pharm. Bull.  1971,  19:  1857 
  • 10 Cho I.-S. Gong L. Muchowski JM. J. Org. Chem.  1991,  56:  7288 
  • 11a Metalation conditions for multiple pyridines are collected in the table on p 234-237 in the excellent review by: Rewcastle GW. Katritzky AR. In Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry   Vol. 56:  Katritzky AR. Academic Press; New York: 1993.  p.157 
  • For further examples, see:
  • 11b Queguiner G. Marsais F. Snieckus V. Epsztajn J. In Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry   Vol. 52:  Katritzky AR. Academic Press; New York: 1991.  p.187 
  • 11c Mongin F. Queguiner G. Tetrahedron  2001,  57:  4060 
  • 12a Savage SA. Smith AP. Fraser CL. J. Org. Chem.  1998,  63:  10048 
  • 12b Smith AP. Corbin PS. Fraser CL. Tetrahedron Lett.  2000,  41:  2787 
  • 12c Fraser CL. Anastasi NR. Lamba JJS. J. Org. Chem.  1997,  62:  9314 
  • 13 Paudler WW. Kress TJ. J. Heterocycl. Chem.  1967,  4:  284 
  • 14 Pokorny DJ. Paudler WW. J. Org. Chem.  1972,  37:  3101 
  • 15 Phuan P.-W. Kozlowski MC. Tetrahedron Lett.  2001,  42:  3963 

For example, Hamada8b reported preparation of 4-methyl-1,8-naphthyridine in 38% yield. We repeatedly obtained 10-17% yield following his procedure, which is consistent with the yield reported by Paudler and Kress (17%).4b