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DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-869824
Copyright © 2005 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.
Genes and Nerves
Accepted: October 29, 2004
06. Mai 2005 (online)

The unpredictability of a brachial plexus graft, a median nerve repair, or a facial-nerve reconstruction is well known. No matter how precise the technical skills, a perfect recovery from a peripheral-nerve lesion is elusive. To resolve this problem, understanding of the normal development of the peripheral nervous system is needed. Presently, the development of the innervation in the upper limb is complex and not fully understood. However, many of the genes involved in this process are now known, and the link between anatomy and genetics is becoming clearer. This short review aims to acquaint the clinical surgeon with some of the main genes. The principal steps in the establishment of neural circuits will be summarized, in particular, the specification and development of neurons and glia, the pathfinding of cells and axons towards their target, and the downstream molecules that control the circuitry of these neurons.
Peripheral nervous system - developmental biology - genes
1 Gene-the entire DNA sequence, including exons, introns, and noncoding transcription-control regions, necessary for production of a functional protein or RNA.
2 Mutation-a permanent heritable change in the nucleotide sequence of a nucleic acid, usually in a single gene, which may lead to a change in or loss of the normal function of the gene product.
3 Commitment-a tissue/cell is inferred to be committed to a specific developmental fate, if it can realize that fate when placed in an environment that is likely to be contradictory.
4 Transgene-a cloned gene that is transferred into and stably incorporated into the animal and is passed on to successive generations.
5 Antisense RNA-an RNA, with sequence complimentary to a specific RNA transcript or mRNA, whose binding prevents processing of the transcript or translation of the mRNA.
6 Morphogen-a type of signaling molecule that acts on cells directly to induce distinct cellular responses in a concentration-dependent manner.
7 Transcription factor-general factors required for transcription of all genes participate in formation of the transcription-initiation complex near the start site; specific factors stimulate (or repress) transcription of particular genes by binding to their regulatory sequences.
8 Growth factor-a molecule that binds to a cell-surface receptor triggering an intracellular signaling pathway leading to proliferation, differentiation, or other cellular response.
9 Gene family-genes which are members of the same family may have fully or partially redundant functions, and their expressions may overlap, temporally and/or spatially. This makes functional analysis difficult.
10 Ligand-any molecule, other than an enzyme substrate, that binds tightly and specifically to a macromolecule, usually a protein, forming a macromolecule-ligand complex.
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