Z Gastroenterol 2005; 43 - 21
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-869668

Data about heart rate variability and autonomic balance of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

A Erdei 1, T Várady 1, A Almási 2
  • 1Belgyógyászati Rehabilitációs Osztály, Mátrai Állami Gyógyintézet, Mátraháza
  • 2Gazdasági Matematikai Tanszék, Károly Róbert Főiskola, Gyöngyös

Aim: to find GERD-specific parameters in data of heart rate variability gained from gastroesophageal reflux patients.

Patients and methods: the spectral analysis of heart rate variability is often used in our department of cardiovascular rehabilitation. The measurement is performed with the Cardiotens 01 device/Meditech, Hungary/. We compared data of groups of patients presenting with or without GERD. The autonomic balance was deduced from the LF and HF domain and from the sympathovagal index (LF/HF). We compared the following data: age, standard deviation of normal beats, total power measured in 24 hours, the power in the LF and in the HF domain, the autonomic index in the active/06–22h/and in the passive/22–06h/period of the day, the HF power in the passive period of the day. The diagnosis of GERD was based on previous investigations and the clinical symptoms.

Results: We compared data of 38–38 GERD and non-GERD patients, respectively. All GERD patients were on medical treatment: 26 on H2 antagonists, 8 on PPIs, 4 on the combination of the two. Both groups were on cardiovascular medical treatment, respectively. We could not prove significant difference in heart rate variability parameters between groups of GERD and non-GERD patients. We found, however, that 24 hour and night LF/HF values characteristic of high vagal tone were observed more often at GERD patients than at non-GERD patients.

Conclusion: in our patients parameters of heart rate variability did not show significant correlation to the gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pronounced vagal tone was observed more frequently at GERD patients.