Synthesis 2003(7): 1018-1024
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-39162
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Triphenylphosphine Catalyzed Michael Addition of Oximes onto Activated Olefins [1]

Debnath Bhuniya*, Sankar Mohan, Sanju Narayanan
Metabolic Disorder (Chemistry) Group, Discovery Research SBU, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited, Miyapur, Bollaram Road, Hyderabad 500050, India
Fax: +91(40)23045438; e-Mail:;
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Received 20 February 2003
09. Mai 2003 (online)


A new reaction condition for Michael addition of oximes onto activated olefins has been discovered using a catalytic amount of triphenylphosphine. This is a first and milder alternative to classical base (hydroxide, alkoxide) catalyzed Michael addition of oximes. Various aldoximes 1a-h and ketoximes 2a-c (Figure [1] ) were reacted with different Michael acceptors such as ethyl acrylate, acrylonitrile, phenyl vinyl sulfone, methyl vinyl ketone, and 1-nitrocyclohex-1-ene to obtain the corresponding Michael adducts. About 35 different examples were attempted (Table [1] and Scheme [1] ); except in six cases where reactions did not produce desired products, yields varied from good to excellent. Reactions without triphenylphosphine did not proceed. A plausible mechanism of catalytic action in the present reactions is proposed (Figure [2] ).


DRL Publication No. 284.


  • 2 Jung ME. In Comprehensive Organic Synthesis   Vol. 4:  Trost BM. Flemming I. Pergamon; Oxford: 1991.  p.30-39  ; and references therein
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  • 9 As an example, see: Macchia B. Balsamo A. Lapucci A. Macchia F. Martinelli A. Nencetti S. Orlandini E. Baldacci M. Mengozzi G. Soldani G. Domiano P. J. Med. Chem.  1990,  33:  1423 ; and references cited herein (for anti-inflammatory study). In this report, twenty different aldoximes and ketoximes were added to ethyl acrylate using KOH (16 mol%) as base catalyst in EtOH solvent.
  • 10 For recent medicinal chemistry on oxime based compounds, see: Takamura M. Yanagisawa H. Kanai M. Shibasaki M. Chem. Pharm. Bull.  2002,  50:  1118 
  • 11 Triphenylphosphine is known as a catalyst for the Michael addition of carbon nucleophiles. Please see: Gómez-Bengoa E. Cuerva JM. Mateo C. Echavarren AM. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1996,  118:  8553 ; and references cited therein
  • 12 For a recent report on triphenylphosphine catalyzed Michael addition of carbon nucleophiles, see: Lumbierres M. Marchi C. Moreno-Mañas M. Sebastian RM. Vallribera A. Lago E. Molins E. Eur. J. Org. Chem.  2001,  2321 

DRL Publication No. 284.


Oximes were prepared by reacting the corresponding carbonyl compounds with excess of hydroxylamine in methanol, either at r.t. or when required under heating (55 °C).