Zentralbl Gynakol 2002; 124(11): 491-492
DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-39651

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Änderungen schadensersatzrechtlicher Vorschriften, insbesondere Änderungen der Schmerzensgeldregelung

Changes in tort regulations, particularly changes in the regulation of payment of compensation for injuries sufferedA. Jorzig1
  • 1Sozietät Dr. Rehborn
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
10 June 2003 (online)


German indemnity legislation has been amended effective 1st August 2002. In accordance with this amendment, payment of monetary compensation for injuries suffered has now been extended to claims arising from contract although it had formerly been legally restricted to penal offences, delicts or in minor cases to misdemeanour. However, such compensation or solatium (if at all appropriate) will apply only if the damage is more than consequential. If it is inconsequential, i. e. valued at less than 500 Euros, no compensation will be granted. On the whole, this reshaped legislation lessens the burden of responsibility shouldered to date by hospitals and doctors.

Dr. Alexandra Jorzig

Sozietät Dr. Rehborn

Westenhellweg 40-46

44137 Dortmund