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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-7744
© Johann Ambrosius Barth
Continuous rise of urinary iodine excretion and drop in thyroid gland size among adolescents in Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania from 1993 to 1997
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)

Improved legislation (1989, 1993), as well as education of the public, are likely to improve the iodine supply for the German population. Children and adolescents will be the first to profit. We investigated thyroid size and urinary iodine excretion in a total of 2906 students aged 10 to 18 in Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania in 1993, 1995, and 1997. The median urinary iodine excretion rose from 73 μg/g creatinine in 1993 to 133 μg/g in 1997. The prevalence of goiter, according to the reference range of Gutekunst, dropped from 33% to 10% over the same interval, and the median thyroid size declined from 11 ml to 6 ml. While only 6% of the test subjects excreted more than 150 μg iodine per g creatinine in 1993, this figure rose to 33% in 1997. The improved alimentary iodine supply is due to the increased use of iodine enriched salt by the food industry, food factories and in common food supply services.
Key words:
Urinary iodine excretion - thyroid volume - adolescents - Mecklenburg-West-Pomerania
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1 * p < 0.001 (U-test Mann-Whitney)
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