Endoscopy 2000; 32(7): 505-511
DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-3816
Original Article
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Randomized Trial of N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate Compared with Injection of Hypertonic Saline-Epinephrine in the Endoscopic Treatment of Bleeding Peptic Ulcers

K. J. Lee 1 , J. H. Kim 1 , K. B. Hahm 1 , S. W. Cho 1 , Y. S. Park 2
  • 1 Dept. of Gastroenterology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea
  • 2 Dept. of Gastroenterology, Eulji University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
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31. Dezember 2000 (online)

Background and Study Aims: Theoretically, the injection of cyanoacrylate may be effective for peptic ulcer bleeding, but randomized clinical trials are rare. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl) and hypertonic saline-epinephrine (HSE) in the endoscopic treatment of major peptic ulcer hemorrhage.

Patients and Methods: A total of 126 patients with major peptic ulcer hemorrhage and active bleeding or a nonbleeding visible vessel were randomly allocated to endoscopic injection with HSE (63 patients; group 1) or to injection with Histoacryl (63 patients; group 2). The two groups were well matched for age, sex, initial hemoglobin values, ulcer size and location, and bleeding stigmata.

Results: Initial hemostasis was achieved in 58 cases (92.1 %) in group 1 and in 60 cases (95.2 %) in group 2 (P = 0.717). Rebleeding rates were 16 of 58 in group 1 and seven of 60 in group 2 (P = 0.051). There were no significant differences regarding the rates of permanent hemostasis (51 of 63 in group 1 vs. 57 of 63 in group 2, P = 0.203), emergency surgery (seven of 58 in group 1 vs. three of 60 in group 2, P = 0.200), or hospital mortality due to bleeding (0 in group 1 and 0 in group 2). With regard to the rebleeding rate, there was a significant difference between group 1 and group 2 in the subgroup with active arterial bleeding (11 of 26 in group 1 and four of 29 in group 2, P = 0.039) but not in the subgroup with a nonbleeding visible vessel (five of 32 in group 1 and three of 31 in group 2, P = 0.708). There were no statistically significant differences in hemostatic results between the two treatment groups in the subgroups with gastric ulcers or duodenal ulcers. Although no complications followed HSE therapy, arterial embolization with infarction occurred in two patients in the Histoacryl group, of whom one died.

Conclusions: Compared with HSE injection, Histoacryl injection showed no statistically significant differences in hemostatic results, except for decreasing the rebleeding rate in the patients with active arterial bleeding. However, the use of Histoacryl to control peptic ulcer bleeding should be reserved as a last resort before surgery, because of possible embolic complication.


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K. J. Lee, M.D.

Dept. of Gastroenterology Ajou University Hospital

San 5 Wonchondong Paldalgu Suwon 442-749 South Korea

Fax: Fax:+ 82-331-219-5999

eMail: E-mail:kjl@madang.ajou.ac.kr