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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-13168
The Case for Ultrasound of Muscles and Tendons
Publication History
Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)

Ultrasound is a highly sensitive technique that can be conveniently employed in the evaluation of muscle lesions of many types, ranging from neuromuscular diseases seen by neurologists to mass lesions and injuries seen by orthopedists. The technique is perhaps underutilized given its utility in these applications compared with other cross-sectional imaging techniques. Particularly when recent developments, such as extended field of view and color Doppler techniques, are integrated, ultrasound becomes highly attractive in the imaging evaluation of various lesions. This article reviews characteristic ultrasound appearances of various muscle and tendon lesions and discusses various newer techniques and interventional applications.
Ultrasound - muscles - neoplasm - abscess - biopsy
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