CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Sleep Sci 2023; 16(S 02): 489-506
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1776109
Review Article

Brazilian Consensus on Sleep-Focused Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences - 2023 Brazilian Sleep Association

1   Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
2   Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Science, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife Brazil.
3   Interdisciplinary Department, Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
1   Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
4   Clínica do Sono de Curitiba, Hospital São Lucas, Curitibá, Brazil.
5   Institute of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery at UNICAMP, IOU, São Paulo Brazil.
6   Centro Universitário Planalto do Distrito Federal, UNIPLAN, Brasília, Brazil.
7   Brazilian Association of Sleep Dentistry, São Paulo Brazil.
17   Núcleo de Ensino, Odontologia do Sono, São Paulo, Brazil.
1   Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
8   Hypertension Units, Institute of the Heart (InCor), and Course on Nephrology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil.
9   Speech-Language-Hearing Council, Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
10   Medical School at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo Brazil.
11   Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru Brazil.
1   Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
12   Department of Critical Care Medicina, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo Brazil.
9   Speech-Language-Hearing Council, Brazilian Sleep Association, São Paulo Brazil.
13   Brazilian Association of Sleep Medicine, São Paulo Brazil.
14   State University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo Brazil.
15   Departamento de Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo – São Paulo Brazil.
16   Sleep Institute, São Paulo Brazil.
Consensus Group on Sleep-focused Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences › Institutsangaben


Introduction This consensus aimed to develop a structured document presenting the role of sleep-focused Speech-Language-Hearing (SPH) Sciences (SPHS). The recommendations were based on the expertise of specialists and on evidence in the literature, aiming to guide the coverage of this area and the consequent improvement in the quality of the professionals' approach.

Methods A Delphi method was conducted with 49 SLH pathologists (SLHP), four sleep physicians, one dentist, one physical therapist, and one methodologist. Four Delphi panel rounds were conducted in Google Forms. The items were analyzed based on the panelists' percentage of agreement; consensuses were reached when ⅔ (66.6%) of valid responses were on a same on a same answer (either “agree” or “disagree”).

Results Participants voted on 102 items. The mean consensus rate was 89.9% ± 10.9%. The essential topics were the importance of professional training, the SLH diagnosis, and the SLH treatment of sleep disorders. It was verified that all fields of the SLHS are related to the area of sleep; that sleep-focused SLH pathologists (SLHP) are the responsible for assessing, indicating, and conducting specific orofacial myofunctional therapy for sleep-disordered breathing alone or in combination with other treatments; that SLHP are included in interdisciplinary teams in the area of sleep in public and private services.

Discussion The Brazilian consensus on sleep-focused SLHS is a landmark in this area. This consensus described the scope of action of sleep-focused SLHP and systematized recommendations being useful as a reference for the professional practice in the area of sleep.

Authors' contributions (Credit statements)

LMSP, GNP, and EMGB: Conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, project administration, supervision, validation, writing-original draft, writing-review and editing. MA, TCAC, LFD, GLF, ELBVP, and EZ: validation, resources, writing-review and editing. MTB, CCC, VI, GRL, SRPS: conceptualization, investigation, writing-original draft, and review.

Supplementary Material


Eingereicht: 20. September 2023

Angenommen: 21. September 2023

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
23. Oktober 2023

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