Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2017; 142(19): 1430-1436
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-113212
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Zentraler aortaler Blutdruck: Bedeutender Parameter für Diagnostik und Therapie

Central Aortic Blood Pressure: Important Parameter in Diagnosis and Therapy
Martin Middeke
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22. September 2017 (online)


In recent years great emphasis has been placed on the role of central aortic blood pressure as measured non invasively using pulse wave analysis in pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases and clinical aspects of hypertension. The difference of blood pressure between the central aorta and the brachial artery (amplification) is not constant but varies according to physiological, pathological and pharmacological mechanisms. Central aortic blood pressure is more strongly related to cardiovascular organ damages than does brachial pressure. Several antihypertensive drugs have different effects on aortic blood pressure as compared with brachial pressure. Central aortic blood pressure emerges superior to brachial pressure as target blood pressure in antihypertensive treatment.

Die Messung des Blutdruckes ist wichtiger Bestandteil vieler Untersuchungen. Dabei gewinnt der zentrale aortale Blutdruck zunehmend an Interesse. Welche Verbindungen dieser Parameter zu hypertensiven Organschäden und verschiedenen Hypertonieformen hat und welche Rolle er bei der antihypertensiven Therapie spielt, wird in diesem Beitrag aufgezeigt.

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