Psychiatr Prax 2017; 44(07): 377-392
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-105723
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

50 Jahre psychiatrische Einstellungsforschung in Deutschland

50th Anniversary of Psychiatric Attitude Research in Germany
Matthias C. Angermeyer
1   Center for Public Mental Health, Gösing am Wagram, Österreich
2   Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Medicina Clinica e Moleculare, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italien
Herbert Matschinger
3   Institut für Sozialmedizin, Arbeitsmedizin und Public Health, Universität Leipzig, Deutschland
Georg Schomerus
4   Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Greifswald, Deutschland
› Institutsangaben
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23. Mai 2017 (online)


Ziel Analyse der Entwicklung der psychiatrischen Einstellungsforschung in Deutschland.

Methode Historischer Überblick auf der Basis systematischer Reviews.

Ergebnisse Die Einstellung der Bevölkerung zu psychisch Kranken und zur Psychiatrie wurde ursprünglich aus soziologischer Perspektive untersucht, später dominierte die sozialpsychologische bzw. individualpsychologische Perspektive.

Schlussfolgerung Auch wenn dieser Ansatz wichtige Einblicke in die dem Stigma zugrunde liegenden Prozesse erlaubte, erscheint es an der Zeit die individuelle Perspektive durch eine gesellschaftliche zu ergänzen.


Objective Analysis of the development of psychiatric attitude research in Germany over the past 50 years.

Methods Historical overview based on systematic reviews of population-based studies.

Results In the beginning, public attitudes towards people with mental disorders and towards psychiatry were studied from a sociological perspective, later on research was guided by a social psychological or individual psychological approach. This provided important insights into processes underlying the stigma of mental illness (e. g., role of labeling, causal attributions, beliefs into a continuum between mental health and illness, prevalence estimates etc.). Substantial contributions have also been made as regards the study of time trends in public attitudes and beliefs about mental illness, the investigation of the impact of the media on public attitudes, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of anti-stigma and awareness programs.

Conclusion Despite these undisputable advancements it is about time to compliment the individual by a societal perspective. This appears particularly necessary in view of current trends in Germany towards sociopolitical radicalization.

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