CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Journal of Coloproctology 2022; 42(04): 279-285
DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1756145
Original Article

Management of Complex Fistula-in-ano by Interception of Fistula Track with Application of Ksharasutra (IFTAK): A Novel Technique

1   Banaras Hindu University Faculty of Ayurveda, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
1   Banaras Hindu University Faculty of Ayurveda, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
› Institutsangaben


Objective Despite all the technological advances, successful management of complex fistula-in-ano is still a challenge due to recurrence and incontinence. The present study evaluates the outcomes of a novel technique, Interception of Fistula Track with Application of Ksharasutra (IFTAK) in terms of success rate and degree of incontinence.

Methods In the present prospective study, 300 patients with complex fistula-in-ano were treated by the IFTAK technique, whose surgical steps include: incision at the anterior or posterior midline perianal area, identification and interception of the fistulous track at the level of the external sphincter, rerouting the track (and extensions) at the site of interception, and application of a ksharasutra (medicated seton) in the proximal track (from the site of interception to the internal opening) that is laid open gradually, with the resulting wound healing with minimum scarring. The distal track is allowed to heal spontaneously.

Results There were 227 trans-sphincteric and 73 intersphincteric varieties of fistula with supralevator extension in 23 cases, of which 130 were recurrent fistulas, 29 had horseshoe track, while 25 had blind fistula with no cutaneous opening. The mean duration of the ksharasutra application was 8.11 ± 3.86 weeks with an overall success rate of 93.33% at the 1-year follow-up. A total of 3.67% of the cases reported with a mild impairment of continence on the Wexner incontinence scoring system. Pre- and postoperative anal manometry evaluation showed minimal reduction in median basal and squeeze pressures.

Conclusion The IFTAK technique is a minimally invasive, daycare surgical procedure for the management of complex fistula-in-ano with low recurrence and minimal sphincter damage.


Eingereicht: 18. April 2022

Angenommen: 01. August 2022

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
11. Oktober 2022

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