CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Arquivos Brasileiros de Neurocirurgia: Brazilian Neurosurgery 2021; 40(01): 018
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1730273
Special Article

Evandro de Oliveira Son of Kings, Leader of Leaders

José-Antonio Soriano-Sánchez
1   President of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies
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José-Antonio Soriano-Sánchez.President of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies

Any set of phrases or speeches run the risk of being insufficient or incomplete when the intention is to describe the greatness of Professor Evandro de Oliveira and even more so when it comes to dimensioning the enormous legacy he has left for Latin America.

Outstanding human qualities, such as assertiveness, inquisitive personality, humility, born talent, dedication, and exceptional intelligence, allowed him to be adopted by some of the Fathers of history, such as Gazi Yasargil, Alberto L. Rothon Jr., and Vinko Dolenc, among many others., personalities that not only inspired him and fostered his passion for specific fields of neurosurgery but also instilled in him that peculiar and methodical way of being and acting, on elementary bases and without secrets, but highly effective; hard work, the permanent study of anatomy feedback, patience, love of what is done, research and publications.

From Evandro de Oliveira, we can analyze multiple facets; however, a crucial one was the development and mastery of the methodology of teaching and learning of vascular and skull base surgery and the foundation of his school, from which they have emanated innumerable amount of outstanding students from practically all the countries of Latin America who today are leaders of positive action in their localities and who impact the prognosis of millions of patients every day. Therefore, we could conceptualize Evandro as a son of kings and leader of leaders, speaking of neurosurgical lineage.

On behalf of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies, our eternal recognition for Evandro de Oliveira, undoubtedly an immortal of Neurosurgery who will always live in our memories.


Artikel online veröffentlicht:
28. Juni 2021

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