Homœopathic Links 2020; 33(02): 107-108
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1712524
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of Oscillococcinum versus Arsenic Album

Mass R. Usuf
1   Sri Lanka
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Funding None.
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Publication History

Publication Date:
03 June 2020 (online)

The cases of COVID-19 are rising in an explosive manner, with no treatment options. A multi pronged approach is needed to combat the pandemic by adopting both preventive as well as treatment regimen. Keeping this in view, an attempt is made to compare between the suggested preventive medicine, ‘Arsenic album’ and one of the most suitable medicine for influenza, ‘Oscillococcinum’.


• Oscillococcinum has an endotoxin-like, cytokine-like effect—its action seems to be beneficial in influenza-like illnesses (COVID-19).

• Oscillococcinum could represent the leader of new remedies……. to fight by any interferon-like pathway more specifically against other viral diseases (COVID-19).

• Oscillococcinum promotes an activating (or inhibiting) action of the immune mechanisms (activating in the face of COVID-19)—in a curative or PREVENTIVE perspective.

• Though there is no pathogenesis of this remedy according to the Hahnemannian method (no homeopathic proving has been conducted); nevertheless, these constitute a strong sketch of pathogenesis for Oscillococcinum:

The febrile shock of acute infectious diseases (e.g. COVID-19)…. where the battery of cytokines, interleukins, interferon and other endogenous pyrogens come into play.

The endotoxin thermal shock/hyperthermia, collapse of endotoxin origin—characteristic of COVID-19.

The interferon shock of patients treated with this substance (Oscillococcinum) which is known to trigger an ‘influenza-like syndrome’ (COVID-19).

Rats which die…. in the short term from infections showing symptoms of the flu when injected with Oscillococci (experiment In the 1920s by Roy - the discoverer of (Oscillococcinum).

Rabbits and rats inoculated with Oscillococcus by Roy from blood died of influenza with heat shock, pneumonia.

Influenza patients receiving Oscillococcus from Roy complained of worsening reactions with hyperthermia, pneumonia.