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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1708610
Dietary Intervention on Precancerous Cervical Lesion among Women in Selected Rural Area of Bangalore
Introduction : Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers among women, which affects approximately 4,90,000 women each year, resulting in approximately 2,70,000 deaths worldwide. Epidemiological studies have shown that 70-90% of all cancers are environmental. Lifestyle related factors are the most important and preventable among the environmental exposures. Dietary practices, reproductive and sexual practices will account for 20-30% of cancers. Dietary intervention by millet based antioxidants has been shown to dramatically reduce the incidence of PCCL.
Aim :The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dietary intervention on precancerous cervical lesion among wome.
Methodology : A Quasi experimental research design, convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from 100 women in Bangalore rural. Data was collected by using structured interview schedule and VIA observation rating scale followed by dietary intervention through administration of millet based antioxidants for 90 days to women in experimental group.
Statistical Analysis :The data was collected and analyzed using software statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 12.0.
Results :The mean PCCL after dietary intervention was 3.0 (SD = 2.5) significantly less than the pretest 7.04 (SD = 1.4), t = 20.3 (p < 0.05).
Conclusion : It was found that dietary intervention was significantly effective in reducing PCCL among women.
Publication History
Article published online:
22 April 2020
© .
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.
A-12, Second Floor, Sector -2, NOIDA -201301, India
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