CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Eur J Dent 2007; 01(01): 005-009
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1698303
Original Article
Dental Investigation Society

The Erosive Potential of Some Flavoured Waters

Jeremy Rees
a   Department of Adult Dental Health
Theresa Loyn
a   Department of Adult Dental Health
Lindsay Hunter
b   Department of Child Dental Health
Leili Sadaghiani
a   Department of Adult Dental Health
Alan Gilmour
a   Department of Adult Dental Health
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27. September 2019 (online)


Objectives: To assess the erosive potential of a number of readily available flavoured waters in the laboratory.

Methods: The erosive potential was assessed by measuring the pH, neutralisable acidity and ability to erode enamel. These were compared to an orange juice positive control.

Results: The pH of the flavoured waters ranged from 2.64-3.24 with their neutralisable acidity ranging from 4.16-16.30 mls of 0.1M NaOH. The amount of enamel removed following 1-hour immersion in the drinks ranged from 1.18-6.86 microns. In comparison, the orange juice control had a pH of 3.68, a neutralisable acidity of 19.68 mls of 0.1 M NaOH and removed 3.24 microns of enamel.

Results: The pH of the flavoured waters ranged from 2.64-3.24 with their neutralisable acidity ranging from 4.16-16.30 mls of 0.1M NaOH. The amount of enamel removed following 1-hour immersion in the drinks ranged from 1.18-6.86 microns. In comparison, the orange juice control had a pH of 3.68, a neutralisable acidity of 19.68 mls of 0.1 M NaOH and removed 3.24 microns of enamel.

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