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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1693471
Evaluation of Fluoroscopic-Guided Closed Reduction versus Open Reduction of Sacroiliac Fracture-Luxations Stabilized with a Lag Screw
Funding None.Publication History
16 October 2018
05 June 2019
Publication Date:
27 August 2019 (online)

Objective The aim of this study was to compare radiographic outcomes of open reduction versus fluoroscopic-guided closed reduction (FGCR) of sacroiliac fracture-luxations stabilized with a lag screw, as well as peri- and postoperative complications.
Study Design Medical records (2010–2015) and radiographs of dogs and cats diagnosed with sacroiliac fracture-luxation that underwent open reduction without fluoroscopic guidance (n = 24) or FGCR (n = 17) were retrospectively reviewed to assess sacroiliac fracture-luxation reduction and lag screw placement, and lag screw loosening on follow-up radiographs (range, 1–8 weeks postoperatively) when available. Peri- and postoperative complications were also recorded.
Results Optimal screw depth to sacral body width ratio (>60%) was achieved in a significantly higher proportion of FGCR cases than openly reduced fracture-luxations. A significantly lower rate of lag screw loosening was found for FGCR cases. Few peri- and postoperative complications were noted across both groups. Four out of 17 FGCR cases requiring conversion to an open approach were excluded from data analysis; they had a longer duration from trauma to surgical repair than the median duration from trauma to surgical repair for cases successfully reduced in closed fashion.
Conclusion Fluoroscopic-guided closed reduction of sacroiliac fracture-luxations leads to consistently more optimal screw placement, as well as a lower incidence of lag screw loosening on follow-up radiographs. However, for cases with a longer duration from trauma to surgical repair, one should be prepared to convert to an open approach if a closed approach is not amenable to adequate reduction and lag screw placement.
sacroiliac fracture-luxation - fluoroscopic-guided closed reduction - lag screw fixation - dog - catNote
This manuscript is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Christina Chesvick, whose collaboration and impact on the veterinary field will be greatly missed.
Author Contribution
All author s contributed to conception of study, study design, acquisition of data and data analysis and interpretation. A. Rollins, R. Balfour and D. Szabo drafted, revised and approved the submitted manuscript.
† Dr. Chesvick passed away while this manuscript was being drafted.
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