Semin Neurol 2018; 38(05): 522-532
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1668080
Review Article
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

Physician-Hastened-Death in Patients with Progressive Neurodegenerative or Neuromuscular Disorders

James A. Russell
1   Division of Neurology – Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Curt and Shonda Schilling ALS Clinic, Ethics Section, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts
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15. Oktober 2018 (online)


Physician-hastened-death remains a controversial topic for patients and those who care for them. It is a particularly relevant topic for neurologists who currently, or will in the future, reside in jurisdictions where physician-hastened-death is legal. In this article, I attempt to provide a comprehensive and contemporary discussion of hastened-death issues in a measured and respectful fashion. My goal is to provide clinicians with the information necessary to mold their own judgment and conscience in preparation for a time in which one or more of their patients request their participation in physician-hastened-death.

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