Thromb Haemost 1984; 51(02): 207-211
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661060
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Immunological Alterations in Haemophiliacs Treated with Lyophilized Factor VIII Cryoprecipitate from Volunteer Donors

J L Ceuppens
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
J D Vermylen
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
J Colaert
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
J Desmyter
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
K Gautama
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
E Stevens
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
A L The
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
G Vanham
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
C Vermylen
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
M Verstraete
The Divisions of Clinical Immunology and of Bleeding and Vascular Disorders (Department of Medicine), the Laboratory of Medical Virology, University of Leuven, and the Blood Transfusion Centre, Leuven, Belgium
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Received 18. November 1983

Accepted 23. Januar 1984

19. Juli 2018 (online)


We studied immune function in Belgian haemophiliacs treated with Factor VIII from volunteer donors. No patient had clinical evidence of immune deficiency. We found a decrease in T-helper cells (p <0.0005), in the ratio of T-helper over T-cytotoxic/ suppressor cells (1.72 ± 0.47 versus 2.24 ± 0.82 in controls, p <0.005) and in lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens (p <0.05).

These findings could not be linked to the amount of F VIII received over the last year, the time since last F VIII administration, circulating immune complexes (54% positive patients, 7% positive controls, p <0.005), increased ALT levels, antibodies to cytomegalo-virus (85% of the patients, 45% of the controls, p <0.005), antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus, nor to the presence of HLA-DR 5 which was found in 56% of the haemophiliacs (20% of the overall Belgian population, p <0.005).

Either F VIII induces long lasting immunological alterations unrelated to AIDS, or haemophilia is itself associated with such changes.

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