Thromb Haemost 1984; 51(02): 196-197
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1661057
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Influence of Yoga on Blood Coagulation

I S Chohan
The Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India
H S Nayar
The Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India
P Thomas
The Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India
N S Geetha
The Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India
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Received 03. November 1982

Accepted 15. Januar 1984

19. Juli 2018 (online)


Yoga is known to induce beneficial effects on physiological, biochemical and mental functions in man. Its effects on blood coagulation are not known. A study was conducted in seven previously untrained male adults who underwent a combination of yogic exercises, daily for one hour, over a period of four months. Parameters of blood coagulation were estimated before and after the end of yoga training. The following changes were observed: Fibrinolytic activity increased significantly with a concomitant fall in fibrinogen; activated partial thromboplastin time and platelet aggregation time were prolonged; blood and plasma platelets showed a rise; and both haemoglobin and heamatocrit were raised at the end of the training.

These findings suggest that yoga induces a state of blood hypocoagulability. The impact of yoga on prevention of cardiovascular and thrombotic disorders is obvious.

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