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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1653875
Protection of Single-chain Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (scu-PA) in Aprotinin Treated Cardiac Surgical Patients Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Received 22. März 1994
Accepted after resubmission 10. Februar 1995
09. Juli 2018 (online)

Intraoperative high-dose aprotinin administration has been shown to reduce the intra-and postoperative blood loss in cardiac surgery. The haemostatic effect has been attributed to platelet preserving properties and to inhibition of contact activation reducing thrombotic and fibrinolytic activity during and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Here we report on the effects of aprotinin on urokinase-type plasminogen activator, especially on the protection of the zymogen singlechain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA). scu-PA occurs cell associated as well as free in the circulation (concentration 50 pM, half-life 5 min), and is potentially activated by kallikrein and plasmin, both potent targets for aprotinin. The generated active two-chain u-PA (tcu-PA) is a powerful activator of fibrinolysis.
Sixteen male patients undergoing myocardial revascularization were randomly assigned to aprotinin treatment (A) or control group (C).
Plasma concentration of total u-PA antigen and of the specific forms scu-PA(zymogen) and tcu-PA(active enzyme) were measured at different stages intraoperatively and two hours postoperatively. After an initial drop due to haemodilution at the onset of CPB, the concentrations of circulating u-PA forms restored intraoperatively in A, but remained subnormal in C until the end of the observation period. The concentration of total u-PA antigen of shed mediastinal blood was both in A and C two-fold higher than in the circulation, but the antigen was preserved as the zymogen scu-PA in A and largely converted to an inactive, non activatable form in C. Intra- and postoperative blood losses were less than half the amount in A as compared to C.
It is concluded that without aprotinin administration activation of circulatory scu-PA occurs, accompanied by stimulation of fibrinolysis and bleeding, finally resulting in elimination of tcu-PA complexed with endogenous inhibitors. Furthermore, cellular release of scu-PA occurs at or near the bleeding sites, as evidenced by the two-fold higher u-PA antigen concentration in the shed mediastinal blood. The released scu-PA is also activated and subsequently converted to an inactive form unless aprotinin is administered. High-dose aprotinin application during CPB effectively protects circulating and released scu-PA from activation and attenuates bleeding consequences.
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