Thromb Haemost 1977; 37(01): 029-035
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1649198
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

The Effect of Phospholipase C on Platelet Factor 3 in Human Blood Platelets

A-B Otnaess
1   Institute of Medical Biology, University of TromsØ, TromsØ, Norway
H Prydz *
1   Institute of Medical Biology, University of TromsØ, TromsØ, Norway
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Received 11. Januar 1976

Accepted 23. September 1976

24. Juli 2018 (online)


Intact human platelets isolated by gel filtration have been treated with purified phospholipase C. The effect of the enzyme on available and total platelet factor 3 has been tested.

The available procoagulant platelet factor 3 was very low. A further small reduction was observed after incubation with phospholipase C when the enzyme was washed away before testing.

External attack on platelets by phospholipase C led to a marked inactivation of total platelet factor 3.

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