Thromb Haemost 1987; 58(04): 1053-1059
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646055
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Requirement for Thrombin Receptor Occupancy During Platelet Secretion Under Aggregating and Non-Aggregating Conditions

Kazuo Koike
The Thrombosis Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Holm Holmsen
The Thrombosis Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
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Received 17. März 1987

Accepted after revision 07. September 1987

29. Juni 2018 (online)


The requirement for receptor occupancy in thrombin-induced secretion in human platelets has been studied. When increasing concentrations of thrombin were added to gel-filtered platelets containing a constant, high concentration of hirudin, dense granule secretion was initiated at lower thrombin concentrations than those required for α-granule secretion and aggregation; acid hydrolase secretion required higher concentrations. A 62-fold excess of hirudin produced abrupt stop of dense granule secretion and a-granule secretion when added to non-aggregating (no stirring) platelets shortly after thrombin; it had no affect after these secretory process had reached about 30% of their maximal values. Acid hydrolase secretion was, however, abruptly stopped by hirudin at any stage. When the platelets were allowed to aggregate, the three secretory processes increased their rates and were abruptly stopped by hirudin at any stage. Aggregation (optical) occurred slower than dense granule and α-granule secretion, and was reversed by hirudin when added before it had reached 30% of its maximum.

It is concluded that a-granule secretion, like dense granule secretion, only requires a short receptor occupancy to be completed, in contrast to the requirement for sustained occupancy for acid hydrolase secretion. α-Granule secretion might, however, require longer occupancy than dense granule secretion. Aggregation is believed to potentiate secretion through close cell contact and the secretion processes were inhibited by hirudin through hirudin’s effect on aggregation.

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