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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1613059
Antibodies to Heterologous Proteins in Hemophilia A Patients Receiving Recombinant Factor VIII (Recombinate™)
26. Mai 2001
Accepted after resubmission
09. Januar 2002
08. Dezember 2017 (online)

As a consequence of the manufacturing process, trace quantities of Chinese hamster ovary cell protein, bovine serum albumin and murine immunoglobulin G are present in Recombinate™ recombinant human factor VIII (rhFVIII). The development of antibodies (Abs) to these heterologous proteins was evaluated during long-term rhFVIII therapy of hemophilia A in 68 previously treated and 73 previously untreated patients. Ab prevalence was also assessed in 157 non-hemophilic subjects. Abs against heterologous proteins could be detected in varying percentages of patients and non-hemophilic subjects. Abs arose in patients sporadically, and levels were typically low. There were no adverse events associated with development or presence of anti-heterologous protein Abs. These data indicate that sustained immune responses to trace levels of heterologous proteins are very infrequent during long-term rhFVIII therapy.
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