J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj 2016; 11(01): e29-e37
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1593441
Original Contribution
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

The Influence of Glutamate on Axonal Compound Action Potential In Vitro

Ahmed Abouelela
1   Department of Biology, The College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
2   Program in Neuroscience, The College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
Andrzej Wieraszko
1   Department of Biology, The College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
2   Program in Neuroscience, The College of Staten Island, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA
3   Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, USA
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Further Information

Publication History

13 July 2016

14 August 2016

Publication Date:
24 October 2016 (online)


Background Our previous experiments demonstrated modulation of the amplitude of the axonal compound action potential (CAP) by electrical stimulation. To verify assumption that glutamate released from axons could be involved in this phenomenon, the modification of the axonal CAP induced by glutamate was investigated.

Objectives The major objective of this research is to verify the hypothesis that axonal activity would trigger the release of glutamate, which in turn would interact with specific axonal receptors modifying the amplitude of the action potential.

Methods Segments of the sciatic nerve were exposed to exogenous glutamate in vitro, and CAP was recorded before and after glutamate application. In some experiments, the release of radioactive glutamate analog from the sciatic nerve exposed to exogenous glutamate was also evaluated.

Results The glutamate-induced increase in CAP was blocked by different glutamate receptor antagonists. The effect of glutamate was not observed in Ca-free medium, and was blocked by antagonists of calcium channels. Exogenous glutamate, applied to the segments of sciatic nerve, induced the release of radioactive glutamate analog, demonstrating glutamate-induced glutamate release. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that axolemma contains components necessary for glutamatergic neurotransmission.

Conclusion The proteins of the axonal membrane can under the influence of electrical stimulation or exogenous glutamate change membrane permeability and ionic conductance, leading to a change in the amplitude of CAP. We suggest that increased axonal activity leads to the release of glutamate that results in changes in the amplitude of CAPs.

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