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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562236
ortho- and meta-Selective C–H Activation and Borylation of Aromatic Aldehydes via in situ Generated Imines
Publication History
Received: 21 March 2016
Accepted after revision: 14 April 2016
Publication Date:
12 May 2016 (online)

A ligand-controlled discovery of ortho and meta C–H borylation of aromatic aldehydes is described. In both cases, an amine is used and it was proposed that ortho borylation could be realized using tert-butylamine as the traceless protecting/directing group and meta borylation undergoes via an electrostatic interaction and a secondary interaction between the ligand of the iridium catalyst and the substrate. Remarkably, these electrostatic interactions and secondary B–N interactions offer a unique and unprecedented guiding factor for the meta-selective C–H activation/borylation of benzaldehydes. This is the first example for the C–H activation and functionalization where the ortho and meta position of a substrate has selectively been functionalized, which open a new chapter in electrophilic aromatic substitution chemistry.
1 Introduction
2 C–H Activation and ortho Borylation of Benzaldehydes
3 C–H Activation and meta Borylation of Benzaldehydes
4 Conclusion
References and Notes
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For selected reviews on C–H bond functionalization, see:
For a recent review of functional-group-directed borylation, see:
For sterically controlled meta borylation, see:
For Cu-catalyzed meta arylation, see:
For mechanistic studies, see:
For pioneering nitrile-template-directed meta olefination, see:
For mechanistic studies in details, see:
For other similar types of examples using nitrile-based template, see:
For pyridine nitrogen directed meta functionalization, see:
For Ru-catalyzed meta sulfonation and alkylation, see:
For meta C–H bromination, see:
For Pd-catalyzed transient mediator employing meta alkylation, see:
For Ir-catalyzed nitrogen-directed ortho borylation, see:
For imine-directed ortho silylation, see:
For H-bond directed ortho borylation, see: