Journal of Pediatric Neurology 2015; 13(03): 126-131
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1556831
Case Report
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Hypokalemic Quadriparesis with Electrophysiological Changes in a Child with Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis and Nephrocalcinosis

Suman Das
1   Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences, Kolkata, India
Shilpi Siddhanta
1   Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences, Kolkata, India
Kalyanbroto Mondal
2   Department of Pediatrics, Medical College, Kolkata, India
Dilip Kumar Paul
1   Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences, Kolkata, India
Mala Bhattacharya
1   Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences, Kolkata, India
Anish Chatterjee
1   Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Pediatric Sciences, Kolkata, India
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21. Juli 2014

11. November 2014

07. August 2015 (online)


We report an unusual case of a 4-year-old girl presenting with recurrent episodes of weakness with documented hypokalemia, failure to thrive, and rachitic changes. Nerve conduction study during the episode of weakness revealed reduced compound muscle action potential amplitudes and motor conduction velocity and electromyography revealed reduced interference pattern, which normalized on correction of hypokalemia and subsequent recovery of weakness. The child was diagnosed with distal renal tubular acidosis. Ultrasound revealed medullary nephrocalcinosis, which regressed on long-term treatment with alkali and potassium supplement.

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