Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2011; 71 - O_10
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1286465

Expressionsmuster von CD 34 und glattmuskulärem Aktin (SMA) als Indikatoren für das peritumorale Stromaremodelling beim Zervixkarzinom

C Schreiter 1, A Canzler 1, K Leonhardt 1, J Einenkel 2, B Hentschel 3, LC Horn 1
  • 1Institute of Pathology, Division of Breast, Gynecologic & Perinatal Pathology, University of Leipzig
  • 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Institute of Trier), University of Leipzig
  • 3Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, University of Leipzig


CD 34 staining has been reported in normal endocervical stroma and its loss as an indicator for peritumoral stromal remodelling in case of invasive cancer. CD 34 loss might be associated with upregulation of smooth muscle actin (SMA). The present study evaluates CD 34 and SMA expression within peritumoral stromal cells in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (CX).


CD 34 and SMA immunohistochemistry was performed on samples of 103 surgically treated CX. Staining results were scored as negative/low (<5% stromal cells positive), moderate (5–50% stroma positive) or high (>50% stroma positive). Staining results were compared to different patterns of invasion (representing different grade of tumor cell dissociation) and grade of peritumoral stromal reaction (DSR).


The majority of cases (78.3%) showed a marked reduction/loss of CD 34-staining (negative/low/moderate staining), whereas 70.6% of the cases represented an upregulation of SMA (strong staining pattern). CD 34-loss and SMA-upregulation was correlated to different pattern of invasion and the grade of peritumoral stromal reaction (DSR).


Loss of CD 34 and upregulation of SMA represent a parameter of peritumoral stromal remodelling in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. The prognostic impact of this altered stromal feature might be of interest for further studies.