Planta Med 2011; 77 - PN10
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1282993

Comparison the anticoccidial effects of Artemisinin granule prepared from Artemisia sieberi extract with Monensin in experimental broiler chicken coccidiosis

J Kaboutari Katadj 1, K Pirali Khair Abadi 2, S Bahadoran 3, M Cheraghchibashi 4
  • 1Department of Basic Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran
  • 2Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sharekord, Shahrekord, Iran
  • 3Department of Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Shahrekord, Sharekord, Iran
  • 4Department of Avian Diseases, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Coccidiosis is the most important parasitic disease of poultry production industry (4). Due to increasing resistance to conventional anticoccidial agents it is necessary to find out new anticoccidial compounds (1). Herbal compounds are promising weapons in this regard. One of them is Artemisia sieberi Besser in which primary studies have shown its possible anticoccidial effect (2–3).

To compare the anticoccidial effect of artemisinin granule prepared form Artemisia sieberi extract vs. Monensin in experimental broiler coccidiosis, 120 Ross 308 broiler chickens in 4 groups each with 3 replicates (n=10) were used. Group 1 was separated as uninfected negative control and received no drug. Form the first day group 3 received Artemisinin granule 5mg/kg, group 4 Monensin 110 ppm till 42 days of age as feed additive. At 21 days of age groups 2, 3, 4 were inoculated with a mixed suspension of 200000 oocyst of E. tenalla, E. maxima, E. acervulina & E. necartix. Group 2 was kept as infected positive control which received no drug. One day after inoculation, oocyct per gram (OPG) of feces for 5 successive days and Mean Body Weight, Weigh Gain and Food Conversion Ratio (FCR) were determined weekly in each group. The data were presented as Mean±SE and analyzed using Sigma stat (V 3.1) statistical software (P<0.05).

This study showed that both artemisinin granule and Monensin significantly (P<0.05) decreased OPG (table1) also artemisinin granule improved performance included weight gain, mean body weight and FCR in infected broiler chickens which is comparable to Monensin.

Keywords: Coccidiosis, Broiler chickens, Artemisinin granule, Monensin, Artemisia sieberi

References: 1- Allen PC, Fetter RH (2002) Clin Microbiol Rev 15: 58–65.

2- Allen PC et al. (1997) Poul. Sci 76: 1156–1163.

3- Ara, HA et al. (2006) Trop Anim Health Pro, 38: 497–503.

4- Zhang Z, Zeng M (2005) Chin J Vet Parasitol 13: 29–36.