Planta Med 2011; 77 - PF36
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1282424

Phytoconstituent of Petroleum Ether Extract of Atriplex lindleyi Moq. aerial Part and Its Hepato -Renal protection

AA Matloub 1, SS El Souda 2, MA Hamed 3
  • 1Pharmacognosy Dept., National Research Center, Cairo, 12622, Egypt
  • 2Chemistry of natural compounds Dept, National Research Center, Cairo, 12622, Egypt
  • 3Therapeutic Chemistry Dept, National Research Center, 12622, Cairo, Egypt

The work aimed the detailed description of the lipoidal profile and hepato-renal protective effect of Atriplex lindleyi Moq. aerial part against bromobenzene (BB) intoxication in rats. Column chromatography of petroleum ether (60–80) extract and GC/MS analysis of the unsaponifiable matter and fatty acid methyl esters were qualitatively and quantitatively investigated. Oxygenated and non-oxygenated hydrocarbons, alcoholic, phenolic, steroidal and triterpenoidal compounds were identified in the petroleum ether extract. GC/MS analysis of fatty acid methyl ester led to identification of 20 compounds. In vivo examination of the petroleum ether extract against bromobenzene (BB) intoxication using hepaticum as a reference drug was included.five groups of albino rats were selected in this study. Group1: normal control group, group 2: i.p injected with BB (460mg/kg b.wt) two times/week for three weeks, group 3: received oral doses of plant extract (150mg/kg b.wt.) at the same time and duration of BB injection. Group 4: served as group 3 and treated with hepaticum® (Medical Union pharmaceutics company, Egypt) (100mg/kg b.wt.) as a reference drug. Group 5: received plant extract only. The Drastic changes observed after BB intoxication in liver function enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP), hepatic cell organelles marker enzymes (SD, LDH, G-6-Pase, AP and 5'- nucleotidase), kidney disorder parameters (creatinine and urea) and certain antioxidants; glutathione, lipid peroxide and superoxide dismutase. Treatment with petroleum ether extract improved all biochemical parameters under investigation as well as the histopathological chromatogram of liver and kidney. The petroleum ether of A. lindleyi contains bioactive compounds exhibiting hepato-renal protective effect.

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