Planta Med 2011; 77(10): 1020-1023
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1270712
Biological and Pharmacological Activity
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Hydroxyframoside B, a Secoiridoid of Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Inhibits Adipocyte Differentiation in 3T3-L1 Cells

Kyeong-Mi Choi1 , Eunjin Shin1 , Qing Liu1 , Hwan-Soo Yoo1 , Young Choong Kim2 , Sang Hyun Sung2 , Bang Yeon Hwang1 , Mi Kyeong Lee1
  • 1Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea
  • 2Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
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received August 20, 2010 revised December 13, 2010

accepted December 23, 2010

03. Februar 2011 (online)


Fraxinus rhynchophylla showed significant inhibitory activity on adipocyte differentiation in the 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cell line as assessed by measuring fat accumulation using Oil Red O staining. Further fractionation led to the isolation of two secoiridoids, oleuropein and hydroxyframoside B. Hydroxyframoside B significantly reduced fat accumulation and triglyceride content in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells without affecting cell viability, whereas oleuropein showed little effect. Further studies with interval treatment demonstrated that hydroxyframoside B exerted inhibitory activity on adipocyte differentiation when treated within 2 days (days 0–2) after differentiation induction. In addition, hydroxyframoside B significantly blocked the induction of adipogenic transcription factors such as C/EBPα, C/EBPβ, and PPARγ. Taken together, these results suggest that hydroxyframoside B inhibited early/middle stage of adipogenic differentiation, in part, via inhibition of C/EBPα, C/EBPβ, and PPARγ-dependent pathways.


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Prof. Mi Kyeong Lee, PhD

Laboratory of Pharmacognosy
College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University

410 Seongbong-ro, Heungduk-gu

Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763


Telefon: +82 4 32 61 28 18

Fax: +82 4 32 68 27 32
