Int J Sports Med 2011; 32(1): 1-6
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1267192
Physiology & Biochemistry

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Incidence of the Plateau at V˙O2max is Dependent on the Anaerobic Capacity

D. Gordon1 , S. Hopkins2 , C. King2 , D. Keiller1 , R. J. Barnes2
  • 1Anglia Ruskin University, Life Sciences, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 2Cambridge University, Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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accepted after revision August 31, 2010

11. November 2010 (online)


The purpose of this study was to address if there is an association between the plateau at V˙O2max and the anaerobic capacity. 9 well-trained cyclists (age 22.2±3.5 yr, height 182.5±5.0 cm, mass 75.7±8.7 kg, V˙O2max 59.3±4.8−1.min−1completed both an incremental step test of 20 W.min−1 starting at 120 W for determination of maximal oxygen uptake (MOU) and a maximally accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) trial at 125% MOU for estimation of anaerobic capacity. Throughout all trials expired air was recorded on a breath-by-breath basis. A significant inverse relationship was observed between the MAOD and the Δ V˙O2 during the final 60 s of the MOU test (r=−0.77, p=0.008). Of the 9 participants it was noted that only 4 exhibited a plateau at MOU. There were non-significant differences for V˙O2 and the associated secondary criteria for those exhibiting a plateau and the non-plateau responders, despite a significant difference for MAOD (p=0.041) between groups. These data suggest that incidence of the plateau at MOU is dependent on anaerobic substrate metabolism and that ranges of responses reported in the literature may be a consequence of variations in anaerobic capacity amongst participants.


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Dan GordonMSc 

Anglia Ruskin University

Life Sciences

Unit for Sport and Exercise


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