Planta Med 2010; 76 - P636
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264934

Haemonchus contortus: in vivo anthelmintic activity of Eugenia dysenterica DC. and Caryocar brasiliense Cambess leaves in sheep

AT Gaspar 1, RG Henrique 1, AH Araujo 1, FGL Aguiar 1, T Zils 1, BV Silva 1, ELE Barros 1, QML Oliveira 1, ME Molica 2, RF Melo 1
  • 1UPIS – Brasília, Veterinary Medicine, Fazenda Lagoa Bonita, Planaltina, DF, 70000 Brasília, Brazil
  • 2Instituto Federal de Brasília – IFB – Brazil, Agronomia, Planaltina, DF, 70000 Brasília, Brazil

Internal parasites represent the largest threat to productivity and economic gain for Brazilian sheep producers. The incidence of resistant populations to available anthelmintics have increased. In this work, „santa inês“ breed sheep were fed with powder extract of E. dysenterica and C. brasiliense leaves, which were dried at 37°C, grounded and mixed together. These leaves were added to animal feed (dose of 1,2g/kg). The sheep weight on the 1th, 7th and 14th day was measured; as well the fecal egg counts per gram (epg) and blood tests were undertaken. To provide nutritional information, the powder extract was analyzed. A reduction of 81% in epg was observed on the 14th day. The blood test showed considerable decrease on eosinophils levels in treated animals. Bromatology analysis of powder leaves added to animal feed in comparison with pattern animal feed, showed no significant variation on the level of fatty acids. The levels of protein and minerals decreased 7% and 17%, respectively; however, the final protein concentration was 22%, whereas 12% represents the normal concentration used by most producers. An increase of 37% of fiber was observed, but no feed consumption decrease was noticed. Despite the variations of chemical composition, after 14 days, no significant weight loss was observed (0,6%) in treated animals. In conclusion, the powder extract used here, could represent an alternative natural source for anthelmintic compounds.