Synlett 2011(7): 899-902  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1259676
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Copper-Mediated Fluoroalkylation Reactions with [(Phenylsulfonyl)-difluoromethyl]trimethylsilane: Synthesis of PhSO2CF2-Containing Allenes and Alkynes

Jieming Zhu, Fei Wang, Weizhou Huang, Yanchuan Zhao, Wenchao Ye, Jinbo Hu*
Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, P. R. of China
Fax: +86(21)64166128; e-Mail:;
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Received 11 November 2010
23. Februar 2011 (online)


Copper-mediated (phenylsulfonyl)difluoromethylation of propargyl chlorides and alkynyl halides with PhSO2CF2TMS reagent was successfully achieved to give PhSO2CF2-containing allenes and alkynes, respectively. It is believed that the in situ formed PhSO2CF2Cu species is involved in the present (phenylsulfonyl)difluoromethylation reactions.

    References and Notes

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  • 13 The CF2HCu species [¹9F NMR: δ = -114.6 (d), -116.2 (d) ppm] was also previously reported. See: Burton DJ. Hartgraves GA. J. Fluorine Chem.  2007,  128:  1198 
  • 15 The decomposition of PhSO2CF2 - into difluorocarbene and benzenesulfinate was previously known. See: Hine J. Porter JJ. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  1960,  82:  6178 ; however, we observed that when species 2 was kept at 0 ˚C or lower temperature, the decomposition was significantly slower
  • Known examples of fluoroalkylation of propargyl halides:
  • 16a Burton DJ. Hartgraves GA. Hsu J. Tetrahedron Lett.  1990,  31:  3699 
  • 16b

    See also ref. 13.

  • 17 Zhao Y. Zhu J. Ni C. Hu J. Synthesis  2010,  1899 
  • 18a Sargent M. Dean FM. In Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry   Vol. 3:  Pergamon Press; Oxford: 1984. 
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In many cases, the structure of CF3Cu species was not well defined. Based on their NMR study, Burton and co-workers have shown that CF3Cu has three forms in their reaction system, all of which could serve as trifluoromethylating agents, see ref. 4d.


Similar to CF3Cu and CF2HCu, PhSO2CF2Cu is likely
to have more than one form in solution (such as PhSO2CF2Cu˙L and [(PhSO2CF2)2Cu]-Cs+ ), so there was more than one signal in its ¹9F NMR spectrum; see ref. 7, 8, and 13.