Synthesis 2010(18): 3188-3194  
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1258183
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ˙ New York

Achiral and α-Amino Acid Derived Dicationic Imidazoliophanes

Aleš Mareka, Jiří Kulháneka, W. B. Schweizerb, Filip Bureš*a
a Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Studentská 573, Pardubice, 532 10, Czech Republic
Fax: +420(46)6037068; e-Mail:;
b Laboratorium für Organische Chemie, ETH-Zürich, Hönggerberg, HCI, Zürich 8093, Switzerland
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Received 12 April 2010
16. Juli 2010 (online)


Achiral and chiral imidazoliophanes were prepared by N-alkylation of chiral imidazole derivatives featuring an α-amino acid motif and subsequent double quarternization of the imidazole N3-position of the corresponding precyclophanes. Eight new optically pure imidazoliophanes were synthesized in good yields, whereas the molecular structure of one achiral analogue was confirmed by X-ray analysis.


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