pferde spiegel 2011; 14(1): 37-40
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1250553

© Enke Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Hepatische Enzephalopathie bei einer Stute

Hepatic encephalopathy in a mare: a case reportClarisse Simões Coelho, Vivian de Camargo Caram, Vinicius Ricardo Cuña de Souza, Luciana Neves Torres, Dominik Lenz, Wilson Roberto Fernandes
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18. März 2011 (online)


In this study we describe a ten-year old pre-bred English mare. Anorexia, weight loss and intermittent abdominal pain were described in the anamnesis. Several approaches to treat the patient remained without success. A physical examination performed later, yielded neurological symptoms like ataxy. A hepatic encephalopathy was diagnosed based on the results of clinical and biochemical examinations. Material und Methods: The patient was characterized clinically and with using biochemical assays. Later, an autopsia was performed. An analysis of serum yielded increased concentrations of the enzymes AST and GGT, as well as an increased concentration of ammonia. An autopsy after the patients' death confirmed cirrhosis of the liver. Furthermore, cerebral edemas were found. The hepatic encephalopathy of the patient described in this study with high probability is resulting from the cirrhosis of the liver and the hyperammonemia. This report including its clinical and biochemical data is supposed to help to diagnose a hepatopathy prior to the onset of a hepatic encephalopathy. After the onset of hepatic encephalopathy the prognosis is known to be substantially worse.


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Prof. Dr. Clarisse Simões Coelho
Prof. Dr. Vinicius Ricardo Cuña de Souza
Prof. Dr. Dominik Lenz

Centro Universitária Vila Velha (UVV)

Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo 21

Vila Velha – ES 29102-770



Dr. Vivian de Camargo Caram


Rua Liberdade Nº 425 apt 13

Embaré – Santos – SP 11025-031


Prof. Dr. Luciana Neves Torres
rof. Dr. Wilson Roberto Fernandes

Abteilung Pathologie
Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät
Universität Sao Paolo

Orlando Marques de Paiva 87

Cidade Universitária – São Paulo – SP 05508-000
