Horm Metab Res 2010; 42(6): 429-434
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1243257

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Comorbidities in Primary Aldosteronism

M. Quinkler1 , E. Born-Frontsberg1 , V. G. Fourkiotis1
  • 1Clinical Endocrinology, Charité Campus Mitte, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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received 31.08.2009

accepted 17.11.2009

04. Januar 2010 (online)


Patients presenting with primary aldosteronism experience more cardiovascular events than patients with essential hypertension independent of blood pressure. Therefore, the presence of primary aldosteronism should be detected, not only to determine the cause of hypertension, but also to prevent such complications. This review focuses on human data regarding increased end-organ damage and comorbidities in primary aldosteronism. Special emphasis is put on the effects of aldosterone excess on blood vessels, the heart, the kidney, and the brain. The data reviewed in our article demonstrate that primary aldosteronism is associated with a prevalence of cerebro-, cardiovascular and renal complications that are out of proportion to the blood pressure and benefits substantially from treatment in the long term. In this view, adrenalectomy and aldosterone antagonist treatment seem to be of considerable therapeutic value to control and limit the progression of comorbidities in primary aldosteronism.


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M. QuinklerMD 

Clinical Endocrinology Charité Campus Mitte

Charité University Medicine

Berlin Charitéplatz 1

10117 Berlin


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eMail: marcus.quinkler@charite.de