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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1242191
MR Imaging of the Extensor Mechanism
04. November 2009 (online)

Sports injuries of the knee involving the extensor mechanism are common. Specific conditions additionally affect the extensor mechanism in adolescents during growth and maturation, and in older patients as a result of degeneration. Prior to the advent of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, the specific anatomical-pathological cause of anterior knee pain was often uncertain, with diagnosis limited to clinical examination and conventional radiographic assessment. MR imaging allows for the accurate and specific diagnosis of pathology of the extensor mechanism, impacting on decision making and clinical treatment of such conditions. In this article the anatomy, normal MR appearance, and common pathological conditions of the extensor mechanism of the knee are described.
Anterior knee pain - extensor mechanism - MR imaging
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Josef KramerM.D. Ph.D.
Inst. f. CT & MRI at Schillerpark, Rainerstrasse 6-8
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