Ultraschall Med 2009; 30(5): 506
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1242071
EFSUMB Newsletter

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

International Course - Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound

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14. Oktober 2009 (online)


Part II Update: Liver & extra-hepatic use of US contrast agents, new developments

27th – 29th November 2009

Hannover, Germany

Central Ultrasound Department

Klinikum Region Hannover,

Siloah Hospital

Course Director: HP Weskott

Pre-Course 26th November 2009

Dear colleagues,

After the successful CEUS course Part I in November 2008, I would now like to invite you to attend the follow up course, to be held in Hannover from November 26th until November 29th 2009.

Never before has a new technique changed the field of ultrasound in such a radical way as the use of ultrasound contrast media has done. The International CEUS Course Part II is aimed at achieving two goals: to deepen the understanding of CEUS in liver diseases and renal imaging as well as to demonstrate the wide range of extra-hepatic indications for using US contrast agents. Once again, well known European radiologists and internists in this field will give lectures and train small groups of attendees in hands on sessions. During this course there will again be time for individual training on the US machines and to work on clinical cases – from easy through to difficult ones to interpret. At the end of each day there will be a dedicated session to discuss any cases with the experts which you have either brought with you or forwarded to us by mail. Additionally, on the pre-course day, representatives from the industry will update you about latest and future technical developments followed by hands on sessions on the most up-to-date US devices.

We hope you will benefit from attending this course – a European School project which is supported by EFSUMB once again.

I would like to wish you a successful educational course and a pleasant stay in Hannover

Dr. Hans-Peter Weskott, Course Director

For further information and registration: see our website: www.CEUS-Course.eu