Planta Med 2009; 75 - PJ67
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1234872

Effectiveness of Cystus 052 in the prophylaxis and treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract infections

U Kalus 1, A Grigorov 1, K Todorova 1, H Radtke 1, JP Jansen 1, O Kadecki 1, H Kiesewetter 1
  • 1Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Charité Mitte, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany

In this prospective, randomised, placebo controlled clinical study, we aimed to investigate the clinical effect of a Cistus extract (CYSTUS 052®) in 160 patients with infections of the upper respiratory tract

In the placebo group there were 45 viral and 35 bacterial infections, in the treatment group 47 viral and 33 bacterial infections.

The Cystus 052 tablets were taken orally. The primary outcome measure was a well-beeing score, which could reach a maximum of 30, and constituted of pain, cough (intensity and frequency), sputum and rhinorrhea. There was no difference in the score at the beginning of the treatment, therefore ensuring the homogenity of the two groups. Starting with day 4, the score differed significantly between the two groups. From the 5th day onwards, the difference was highly significant (p<0,001).

In the group taking Cystus, 77% of the completers respondes to the treatment in about 60%. In the placebo group, the treatment response was 25%.

Among the inflammatory markers investigated the C-reactive protein was most affected by Cystus 052, which decreased significantly in the treatment group.

In addition the antiviral effect is independent of the spectrum of pathogens. Bacteries and viruses are both inhibited, therefore the efficiency of Cystus 052® is mainly related to it's physical effects.

Especially in the early phase of infection, Cystus 052 is an effective agent in the prevention of a further dissimination of the disease, as the active agents minimize the risk of a re-infection of other cells.