Int J Sports Med 2009; 30(11): 821-826
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1233486
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Weight Loss Associated with Exercise Training Restores Ventilatory Efficiency in Obese Children

D. M. Prado 1 , A. G. Silva 1 , I. C. Trombetta 1 , M. M. Ribeiro 1 , C. M. Nicolau 1 , I. C. Guazzelli 1 , L. N. Matos 2 , C. E. Negrao 2 , S. M. Villares 1
  • 1Medical School, Department of Endocrinology, University of São Paulo, Endocrinology, São Paulo, Brazil
  • 2Medical School, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
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accepted after revision June 20, 2009

14. August 2009 (online)


The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that in obese children: 1) Ventilatory efficiency (VentE) is decreased during graded exercise; and 2) Weight loss through diet alone (D) improves VentE, and 3) diet associated with exercise training (DET) leads to greater improvement in VentE than by D. Thirty-eight obese children (10±0.2 years; BMI >95th percentile) were randomly divided into two study groups: D (n=17; BMI=30±1 kg/m2) and DET (n=21; 28±1 kg/m2). Ten lean children were included in a control group (10±0.3 years; 17±0.5 kg/m2). All children performed maximal treadmill testing with respiratory gas analysis (breath-by-breath) to determine the ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT) and peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak). VentE was determined by the VE/VCO2 method at VAT. Obese children showed lower VO2 peak and lower VentE than controls (p<0.05). After interventions, all obese children reduced body weight (p<0.05). D group did not improve in terms of VO2 peak or VentE (p>0.05). In contrast, the DET group showed increased VO2 peak (p=0.01) and improved VentE (ΔVE/VCO2=−6.1±0.9; p=0.01). VentE is decreased in obese children, where weight loss by means of DET, but not D alone, improves VentE and cardiorespiratory fitness during graded exercise.


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Dr. D. M. Prado

Medical School

Department of Endocrinology

University of São Paulo

Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455

Sala 4305

05403-900 São Paulo


Telefon: 5511/3061 72 53

Fax: 5511/3061 74 67
